FEED (me)


From Finnegans Wake:

"This kisssing world's full of killing fellows kneeling voyantly to the cope of heaven."

"For a burning would is come to dance inane. Glamours hath moidered's lieb and herefor Coldours must leap no more. Lack breath must leap no more."

"So see we so as seed we sow."

"But listen to the mocking birde to micking barde making bared! We've heard it aye since songdom was gemurrmal."

"Load Allmarshy! Wid wad for a norse like?"

"Quite Agreem."

I just think he's real for that.


Ugh I do notttt want to do my homework. This is literally so cattywampus.

I just want to start a cult or something. Smh. Or like dig a hole in the ground and then live in it. Wouldn't that be cool? I dug a giant hole in my backyard as a kid it was like my passion. And our house was really old so I found like these peices of antique china and stuff. But I hit a sprinkler pipe and so my dad got really mad at me and made me fill it back in. But before that, it was like deep enough to sit in and be completely surrounded by earth, and I could like go there to chill and read. Ugh thats the type of thing I need to resurrect in my life. I bet dirt is good for your skin too.


Today I did this killer drawing of my and my partner. Sorry, I'm not accepting commissions at this time. :,(



Omg college is so hard. I keep spending like all day at the library literally just perusing the shelves and not getting things done. :,( But its like my addiction lately. I'm gonna keep adding my cool finds to my bookshelf section. :) I just feel like so overwhelmed cause there's so much knowledge and so many cool things in this world and I want to know them all but I can't? But like I can go down a ribbit hole of like rug weaving and chair design for hours but I can't focus on any of my real classes or FINISH A BOOK. But it's okay.

My favorite quote I found: 

"Forget what you may have thought about the swept and tidy world of number. Concentrate on the fine randomness of Einsteins hair."

           - Hugh Kenner, "The Untidy Desk and the Larger Order of Things"

It's a actually a sick essay, but sadly the only trace of it online is like a Washington Post watered down knockoff. I feel more and more impressed that the internet is filled with impersonal, low quality content. Other than this website ofc!!! I mean that's actually why I am very excited about this whole movement of going back to like... the organic web. I just want something realllll. I swear if I read one more VeryWellMind article I'm going to scream.

I am trying to work through a html course so hopefully I will be able to add even more things someday! I also want to add a guestbook or something?? I don't know how any of this works but I would love to make some web friends someday... The neocities ppl just seem so cool.


I added a home button! Yay! I made it with https://make8bitart.com/ which I think is the best pixel art maker. Looking forward to abusing it.


Hello! I decided I am making a blog.

   ___     ___
  (o o)   (o o)
 (  V  ) (  V  ) 
/--m-m- /--m-m-

Today I got addicted to Conway's GAME OF LIFE. There's a really fun rainbow version on Scratch and if you click in the same spot for forever you can make these amazing snowflake patterns that are just so fascinating. 

You can check it out here if you like! 

I wanted to add a little 'shrine' to this immensely cool thing, and you can find it by clicking the 'game of life' GIF on the homepage. Thanks to nikosmoum on GitHub! I've never used GitHub before and I felt so cool and sneaky and evil. 

I am not a programming person, or a math person, so I'm surprising myself by all this lol. I'm a theater major actually. But perchance I'll switch to Anthropology.... or Biology.... or butt science. Either way this is supposed to just be a fun place where I can document my interests and be silly and I don't even know how anyone would even find themselves reading this because I'm simply a creature afloat across the world wibe web.
